Friday, January 25, 2013

2013 Photo Journal: January 18-25

Snow From the Day Before

Making Blueberry Crisp

Chicken Noodle Soup

The Ice Thief

Making Coffee Liqueur

Before the Ice Storm

New Piece - Unfired

Friday, January 18, 2013

2013 Photo Journal: January 12-17

Party Juice
The Calm Before The Storm
Finished Bee Mug
Rainy Day
Caleb Getting His Harry Potter On
Snow Day

Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 Photo Journal: January 5-11

Caleb posing with his Harry Potter glasses.
Winter Trees
Chicken Enchiladas
Homemade Cranberry and Peanut Dog Biscuits for Caleb's Birthday
Belated Christmas Caramels
Dutch Oven Bread
I made a teapot!

Friday, January 04, 2013

2013 Photo Journal: January 1-4 ::: Resolutions

I made a couple resolutions for this year. The first one, and the one I care most about, is I want to sell some of my pottery. Actually, it doesn't even have to be pottery, per se. I just want to sell some of my work and move in the direction of creating some income through my art.

My second resolution is to take photos everyday. You'll be seeing the outcome right here on my blog. I hope that by taking more pictures, I'll get better at photography.

Just as I was packing up to come home after the holidays, my Mom sprung a last minute gift on me - a photography book, "to read on the plane" she said. I'm planning to go through that as well and I hope that you'll see my photos improving over the course of the year.

Caleb, snoozing on a cold, rainy New Years Day.

Working on another sgraffito mug.
Matt surprised me when he walked through the door with this. He painted it as part of a team building exercise at work.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013