1. Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson
Alone, neither one really does anything for me but together the married couple is fantastic. I've been listening to them all week. I just love their old timey, newgrass sound. My favorites include Rattlin' Bones, The Quiet Life, and Adam and Eve.
2. Spectrum's Teal Blue Underglaze.
This underglaze is just a gorgeous shade of blue. I'm obsessed with it right now. I want to make all my pottery blue and white.

3. Spring!
It's finally here! There are so many things I love about this time of year. I can't get enough of it! Daffodils are blooming in my yard, the trees are full of tiny leaves and singing birds, and bunnies keep squeezing under the fence to graze on the lawn. I am unabashedly in love with spring. And I cannot wait for the last frost to be over so I can get start planting my garden.